I am starting this New Year with a new zeal for life. I have been on a path in the last year or so that has taken me away from everything I was taught as a child. After loosing my third child to miscarriage in 2010, I began to look at myself and my religion very closely. I started researching and reading about lots of different beliefs. I wouldn't say I am one certain religion, but have found I am open to a lot of possibilities. Meditation has been a key thing in helping me work through so much. I am hoping to pass along some of what I have found and some thoughts as well. My husband says I lean more toward Buddhist ways, but I haven't proclaimed that faith 100 % yet. I have friends in many different religions, and I embrace each one of them. Whatever you believe, I hope it makes you the person you want to be.
I want to start with A photo I found. It maybe hard to read so I will enclose what it says. It speaks for it's self.
A-Avoid negative sources, people, places, and habits.
B- Believe in yourself.
C- Consider things from every angle.
D- Don't give up and don't give in.
E- Everything you're looking for lies behind the mask you wear.
F- Family & friends are hidden treasures. Seek them & enjoy their riches.
G- Give more than you planned to.
H- Hang on to your dreams.
I- If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door.
J- Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.
K- Keep trying no matter how hard it seems.
L- Love yourself.
M- Make it happen.
N- Never lie, steal or cheat.
O- Open your arms to change, but don't let go of your values.
P- Practice makes perfect.
Q- Quality not quantity in anything you do.
R- Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.
S- Stop procrastinating.
T- Take control of your own destiny.
U- Understand yourself in order to better understand others.
V- Visualise it.
W- When you lose, don't lose the lesson.
X- Xcellence is all your efforts.
Y- You are unique, nothing can replace you.
Z- Zero in on your target and go for it.