Looks like I'm going to be off my feet for awhile, so lots of new posts coming up. Don't say I didn't warn you lol.
Have you ever thought about all the times you tell yourself you can't and then you actually didn't do something? Now think about all the times you have said, Oh yeah, I can do that," and you did! I'm working on saying more positive things. Even making myself say it out loud. I'm hoping as my ears hear it, It will pass through me and make it so. I have been doing some research on positive thinking and affirmations. So I went back to the basics a little: the word affirm can be defined as "to declare positively or firmly; or maintain to be true." An affirmation is therefore a statement of something as a fact.
A positive affirmation then, is a statement of something positive about yourself or another person, said with utmost conviction, belief and emotion.
Just as our words are revealed thoughts and our thoughts influence what we say, so the reverse is also true. Our words become our thoughts and what we say ultimately can influence what we think and change our mental attitude. It is said that if you say a lie long enough you will come to accept as fact yourself. In essence your mind comes to accept the reality of what you speak.
This change in your thinking ultimately manifests itself in changed habits and behaviour. So the next time you catch yourself saying, "It's impossible". Try saying " I don't know how, but I will make this happen!" When you get up in the morning, tell yourself "This is going to be a great day!"
Everything becomes a little different as soon as it is spoken out loud. - Hermann Hesse
Progress is impossible without change; and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.– George Bernard Shaw
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