Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Hospital Tape Glue Removal

If you have ever been to the hospital and had surgery, or even your doctors office. Chances are you've had to deal with the awful residue left by the tape they use. 

I have an allergy to some of the tape with latex in it. It kinda looks silky. They usually try to use paper tape on me but even they can leave the residue. 

After surgery I had 4 incisions, one was a drain. They all had what looked like Glad press-n-seal on them lol. Once the surgeon took my drain out she covered it with some gauze and a bunch of tape. All this plus the residue where my catheter, IV line, and where they took blood samples, had it. Talk about a pain to remove. 

So I've decided to do another list on things I tried to get it off.   

PLEASE NOTE: Please use caution when trying to remove tape around incisions that are not fully closed and healed. You do not want to risk infection by removing them too early. I know they are hideous and itchy but leave them alone. 

First think I tried if course was warm water, soap and washcloth. 

This helped very little but hey at least it was clean. 

Second I tried rubbing alcohol & a cotton ball. 

Again not really good results. After a while my skin got irritated. For small areas it might work well. 

Next was nail polish remover & a cotton ball. 
This did the same as the alcohol but was much more irritating and smelly. This is one I will never recommend simply because your skin is already irritated. 

Then I tried GermX. 
It worked pretty good but still not great results. 

By this time I gave up and let my skin rest for a day. While talking to my doctor I asked her what she would recommend. They use mineral oil on their patients. She said it was safe and good for the skin. It is even safe on steri strips. 

So I thought what the hay. 
I used it with a wash cloth and what do you know it really worked. It was much easier than the others. It kinda rolled the glue up in little balls. The skin wasn't scratched as much because the oil was more if a barrier. You could also use baby oil and it will work them same. 

So that was it. I finally got it all off and actually had some skin left. There is one more idea I was willing to try but didn't have too. 

I had several people tell me it works great. I'm assuming it works similarly to the oil. If you try it let me know your results too. 

Sunday, July 21, 2013

My Jar :0)

I'm doing a bead jar to show how far I've come. This jar has 173 beads in it. 

This is the back view. 

173 lbs is how far I have to go to get to my goal weight of 230. When I first started this WLS journey I weighed 469. I didn't want to start my jar there though so I started it at my surgery weight of 403. So far since surgery I've lost 18.5 lbs. So I take the beads out if the first jar and put them in the second as I loose the weight. Only full pounds please lol. 

Nausea Relief

After having WLS I was extremely nauseated. I was lucky have been visited by a holistic nurse who showed me a few ideas. 
Please Note: I am not in any way, shape or form a doctor. Please consult a physician before you try anything I've mentioned. 

Peppermint  oil/extract! Can relieve nausea. Apply several drops on a cotton ball. Place inside small jar or pill box and take it with you.

Shown above is a pressure point called P6. Place your three middle fingers at the base of your inner wrist. At the place of the third finger use your thumb and massage, feeling for between the tissues. This works similarly to the motion sickness bands you see. 

People Change

Since the beginning if my WLS journey my therapist had given me lots of info on things that might happen along the way. I wondered, and many others asked me why my insurance and doctors required me to have so many psychological tests, before hand. Well in a nutshell it is to prepare you for anything and everything that COULD happen. Never in my wildest dreams could I have thought some of the stuff would happen to me. They told me it was possible for certain family members and friends to treat me differently. Especially ones that may be over weight themselves. They may feel lots if things about you having WLS. Some may feel happy and proud of you, while others jealous or resentful that you are loosing weight.  People you were friends with even that are smaller than you may change toward you too. If you have always been the largest of your friends, then they may start to worry that they will now be the FAT friend. 

I really thought I was prepared for these things. I almost expected it from some of my family members, but never my BFF. This girl has been an amazing friend to me. The moment we met we instantly bonded. We were both morbidly obese and had been that way most our lives. Neither one if us had many friends, and neither had children. We texted or talked everyday, almost all day. We saw each other at least once a week. Our husbands were great friends too. But that all seemed to change. When I first mentioned I was interested in having WLS. She started to pull away. Just a little at first. But as surgery grew closer she drifted further and further away. I tried everything I could to re assure her. Her family had always abounded her until they needed something.  Well I'm not like that. I am fighting tooth and nail to hold onto our friendship, but I'm worried its ending. 

A couple days before surgery I was very emotional. I really needed someone to talk to. I knew I could always talk to my hubby, but sometimes you just need an outside friend to vent and talk to. My BFF who I love dearly and needed was not there for me. She refused to answer my calls and texts. I felt so alone. I questioned if I had done something wrong to hurt her. I even asked her. Nothing. Finally I gave up. I talked to my sweet sister in law instead. I'm lucky to have great in laws who are more like friends. I guess my absence alerted my friend I was upset. She finally after days of not talking to me sent me a text. I of course responded and tried to play it off as a misunderstanding. She even told me she was sorry. She thought that when I would get all skinny I would find better friends than her and forget her. I told her not a chance in hell and she couldn't get rid of me if she tried. I knew she needed to be re assured. I tried to put myself in her shoes. How would I feel if my friend was doing to huge change and I wasn't. And honestly I would probably feel the same way. My friend is not comfortable with the idea of having WLS herself, which I completely respect. It isn't for everyone. It is a lot of work and it's a permanent change for your entire life. Some people can loose massive amounts if weight without surgery. They have amazing will power and strength. But others, like myself have tried to do it without surgical help and time and time again have failed. I am morbidly obese. The chances of dying from weight complications, completely out weighed the risks of surgery in my own opinion. 

So surgery day came. She did text to make sure I was ok. I had several friends visit me in the hospital, some I had only met on Facebook. But my BFF did not show up. I was released and have now been home for a little over a week and still no sight of her. The texts have stopped unless I send something first, but even they have now stopped. My heart dropped earlier tonight when I saw a post she made on Facebook. It said that she hated she didn't have any friends to talk too. My hearts aches. I've cried and cried. 

I know in the depths of my heart though, I've done everything I could. I made the decision to have WLS for me. I knew and felt in my soul I had to do something to really change. This surgery is the best decision I could have made with all of my health problems. I knew if I was really serious it was now or never. My window of having a healthy pregnancy was closing. I would have never been able to live with myself if I passed my opportunity. I realize this may have been what caused her to pull away, but I can go on knowing I tried to hold onto her as long as I could. I and anyone who has had this surgery needs to surround themselves with positive encouraging people. Grieve for your losses but realize too, you have come so far, you deserve to be happy, and you are beautiful inside and out. Do the best you can. In the end they are the ones with the problem. You must look forward and don't let them hold you back. Follow your dreams and it will be well worth it. 

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Goodbye Drain, Hello New Me

Went to the surgeons today. I have lost 18.5 pounds since surgery. WOOHOO. I was so shocked. I told her about being so sick. And she agrees with the nutritionist and myself that I am lactose intolerant. I'm starting on soy milk tomorrow. She also was able to take out the JP Drain. Thank you, hallelujah. It had a big clot in it so its no wonder it was leaking. I feel so much better now. It's still tender but nothing like it was before. Also since I've not been drinking any milk the nausea and vomiting are better too. 

Now I've got a plan of attack. My goals in sight and I'm shooting for it. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Nausea & Leaking

All was going good for a couple days then I started getting really sick at my stomach. My blood sugar was too low, I was very nauseas and throwing up. As well as having really bad loose stool. Also my JP drain started leaking from the site instead of draining through the tube. I ended up having to go to the ER for fluids and stronger nausea medicine. At home today I did some better but was still feeling quite nauseas. It occurred to me I might be over looking a problem. As a child a was severely lactose intolerant. This could be the source of all these problems right now. I got tomorrow  to see the surgeon and I will mention it to her. 

Monday, July 15, 2013

WLS Surgery (Mature Content)

The last few days have flown by. It has defiantly been an interesting ride.  Ups and downs and all in between. I’m going to start my story the night before surgery. We took our sweet puppy to a family member’s house so she could keep her while my hubby and I were at the hospital. I got all of the house cleaned and everything ready to go. My husband noticed a dog outside and went to check it out. The dog, a pit bull, came right in the house. He was a pretty dog and very friendly. We asked all our neighbors to see where he was missing from. No one seemed to know him. Poor thing was hungry. 

Later on it was so funny. He actually started getting frisky with the hubby. 

My hubby had to go to work, he works graveyard, and left him with me. I ended up having to call animal control. I hated to but had no other option since we wouldn’t be home to take care of him. I really hope he found his mommy and daddy. 

Night before and morning of surgery I had to take a shower and use special germicide soap.  You are not allowed to use lotion, oils, or anything else with it either. This way your body is more sterile for surgery. Hubby came home from work grabbed me and our belongings and off we went. I checked in and got my nifty little id bracelet. We only waited a moment before they came back to get me. Once in the preop room I had to undress completely and put on a lovely hospital gown, blue hat and blue booties. Yeah right your thinking. Hey at least it wasn’t too tight. 

The nurse had to try three times to get an IV. Finally another nurse came in and got it on the back of my left hand. I was glad because when they do them on the inside of your arm they usually cause trouble. They asked me a few questions, and then two separate doctors from anesthesia  came in to talk to me. Then two other ladies, nurses I think, came and talked to me. Then my surgeon came and talked with me and asked me a few things.  I had to take out my nose ring and contacts; said goodbye to the hubby and off they took me. I’m blind as a bat without my contacts in, so everything was blurry. Once in the operating room they had me move to a different table. The nurses were very nice and apologized when I came in because they had been gossiping. I didn’t care lol. They loved my tattoo and I told them about why I got it. For my angel babies.  

They fixed my blue hat and then put an oxygen mask over my mouth and nose. They had me take in three deep breaths to get my lungs full of good oxygen they said and then one more deep breath and I was out.

Several hours later I woke up in recovery which I remember very little about. I Just remember feeling sore and having a very dry mouth. I also had a JP drain. It hangs from my left side held in an incision by a few stiches. It has to be emptied routinely because it collects drainage fluid. They took me to my room where my hubby and sister in law were waiting. They were nice enough to call him several times while I was under to give him progress updates. They got me settled. My nurses were fabulous. All seemed to really love their jobs. I was in some pain but it wasn’t unbearable. 

They hardest thing at the time, was the dry mouth. They gave me these swabby things that reminded me of lollypops. You could dip them in water and swab your mouth with them. 

The first day after surgery you aren’t allowed anything to drink and of course eat. So make sure if you decide to have this surgery you bring chapstick too. After a few hours the nausea  set it. This was tough. You are already sore from your incision sights, but when you are dry heaving your whole abdomen jerks and it’s pretty painful. They tried several things. An alcohol pad under my nose which actually did help some. They also gave me Zofran and Phenergan. Both worked but wore off quickly. I finally figured out that if the pain got worse so did the nausea. So it’s good to keep everything in check like that. I’m not one to take much pain medicine so it was hard for me to ask for it. But that’s what it’s there for, so use it. I had a friend come by and visit. She and her husband had, had bypass surgery in the last year. They were very kind, but unfortunately I started getting sick again and they had to leave.

The first night I had a great CNA. He got me up and I actually walked around the whole floor. It was shaped like a large # 6. The walking helped extremely with the gas pains. Be for warned the taste and smell are pretty bad. To me it tasted like rotten eggs and smelled like it too. The next morning they were able to take the catheter out. My surgeon came by and checked on me and said I could start clear liquids. I tried just plain water first, which was just plain nasty. I’m used to my good tasting country water. They gave me some lemon Crystal Light packets to mix in a little at a time. 

OMG it was so good. I started sipping. Shortly after though I started getting sick again. I kept sipping though. I was visited by a holistic nurse who gave me a little jar of peppermint oil on a cotton ball. That helped so much. He also showed me a few pressure points to use for the neasousness too. I will post them soon on another post. I had a few more friends come by to see me. They brought me some beautiful flowers and cards.  Unfortunately I began getting sick again and they had to leave. The stomach medicine would work for a short time, but then I would begin to get sick again.

The second night my poor hubby was so exhausted he slept in the reclining chair. I didn’t want to bother him so I ended up taking several walking trips on my own. I had a few walking buddies too, for 3 o’clock in the morning lol. The next morning as the shift was changing the new nurse came in to check on me. I told her yet again I was starting to feel bad. She was wonderful. She had had a similar surgery and knew exactly what to do. She explained that the thinner liquid I was drinking was only passing through my pouch. A little bit thicker liquid, like that of a protein shake, would usually help and coat it some. She made me some vanilla and I was surprised she was right. I instantly could tell a difference. I was able to take a shower, which helped a lot too. One of my surgeon's assistants came in and told me if I could continue to keep the shakes down I could go home. Woo HOO. So they gave me 4, one ounce containers of the shake stuff. And I was able to keep it down. Several hours later I was able to go home.

The ride home was long and rough, but I had them give me pain and stomach meds before I left. I also used a pillow to cushion my tummy. That's my favorite pillow behind my head. Her name is Rosie. 

Before surgery I did purchase a toilet seat boaster and that helped a lot. Our toilet was very short.

So I’ve been home two days now. Things are getting better. I am learning to adjust to when to take things and drink things. Now working on getting in at least 48 ounces of fluid and 60 grams of protein. 

Here is what my tummy looks like now with the incisions and drain. 

Monday, July 8, 2013

Over whelming Day

Today I went to the hospital for my preop appointment. Everything went well & got a bunch of info. When I got home I received a call from the surgeons office. They want to move my surgery up to 3 days from now a whole 8 days early. Ekkk I'm excited but wow this is happening so fast. I did something really bad today & now I'm gonna pay for it. On the way home (before I got the call). The hubby and I were hungry. I hadn't packed anything to take with me so we were starving. We went to Wendy's and each got a burger. I was doing so well on the liquid diet and now I've really fudged it up. It figures that they would up the surgery just when I did that. But nothing I can do about it now. All I can do is try better from this point on. So now I'm getting everything together. Packing my bags and some stuff for the hubby too. He is gonna stay with me while I'm there. The hospital is quite a ways from our home. Thank goodness we have great friends and family that are helping us with the critters. I gotta get off here I got so much to do. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Liquid Diet

Today starts my two week diet before surgery. So far so good. Got the pantry lined up with different things so I won't get worn out on one thing. Here's a list of some of the things I can have. After surgery it will be about the same things but with smaller amounts. 

Protein shakes 
    I have to really read labels & make sure it is a meal replacement shake. Or I can get the protein powder & make them myself with milk. (I prefer this to the pre-made ones). 

Soups & Broth 
    I can have several different kinds but only ones that are smooth & drinkable. If I get pre-made soups I must add protein powder to them. Let me say. It is hard to find a good unflavored one that isn't nasty. I can also use condensed soups, again as long as they aren't chunky. When making condensed, now before surgery, I'm adding 12oz of milk. The condensed soups I don't have to add the protein powder. But after surgery I will only add the amount it calls for. 

Chicken or Egg Salad 
    As long as its smooth & pourable aka drinkable. 

GreekYogurt    (Nothing with fruit pieces only fruit flavored or plain) 
Sugar Free Pudding
Decaffeinated & Herbal Tea
Sugar Free Popsicles
Sugar Free Jello
Water Flavor Additives 
    Mio (Nothing with caffeine), Chrystal light, power aid, I can have lemon juice. 

One thing for me is hard when choosing Popsicles, jello, mio, & other similar things. I have an allergy to red dye. Pretty much anything like that has it in it. I can find some Popsicles without it, but not in sugar free. Looks like I'll be making my own. 

Monday, July 1, 2013

FMM July 1, 2012

Pondering Personal Thoughts

1. How old would you feel if you didn’t know how old you are? Given my weight and health. Prob 45 or 50. 

2. Are you the kind of friend you’d want to have as a friend?  I hope so. I try to always be kind and listen. Sometimes it seems I can do a lot better though. 

3. Look back at the last year.  When did you feel most excited about something in your life? 
At the first of the year I had made the decision that it would be my year for change. I didn't know in January I would be having WLS, but I knew I was gonna do something. I wasn't even sure I could have or afford the surgery. So when I found out everything just fell into place. Ever since then I'm always looking forward. 

4. Have you ever been with someone and not spoken a word, only to walk away thinking that was the best conversation ever?  
I'm not sure. I know in middle school I would go the whole trip home & never speak to anyone. I would like those days the best. 

5. If you won 100 million dollars Monday, would you continue doing whatever you usually do on Tuesdays? 
Probably but a lot of things would change. I would defiantly travel more & take care of my family. 

6. What would you do differently if you knew no one would judge you?  I would probably post on FB that I'm an atheist. Most people don't know. I really don't care to argue & loose friends of a religious belief. The ones that I really care about already know. 

7. Share something you do differently than most people.  Because my hubby works graveyard.  Their morning is my night. We workout in the morning before we got to bed. 

8. What’s one thing that you really want to do that you’ve never done?  Zip line. It's on my bucket list I know I can't right now & I'm afraid of Heights, but it scares me into motivation. 

9. If you had to move out of state right now, where would you move?  Texas, I loved every part I've visited. Especially Amarillo. 

10.  What is the one thing that you’d like to change most about the world?  I wish the world could be at peace with each other. United & taking care of each other. 

Surgery is confirmed

My surgery has been confirmed. July 17 is the big day. Today was my last day on normal food. I opted for a cheeseburger & fries. I know not the healthiest choice but hey. Tomorrow starts 2 weeks of liquid diet before surgery. It's gonna be hard but I know I can do it.